We do not have any shortage of babanas in Rwanda. So, I thought to put into practice my cooking skills, and I chose a receipt from
Home Made, by Yvette van Boven, (by the way, winner of the cooking book in Dutch, year 2010). Together with imported yeast (found at a small supermarket here) and the children baking set from Hema, I felt totally prepared to start my little adventure.
I simplified the receipt, since it is not easy to find certain
ingredients, and it came down to:
- 2 bananas
- 90 grams of flour
- half a little bag of yeast
- 70 grams of butter
- 70 grams of sugar
- 1 egg
- lemon rasp
Note that these are the amounts for a little children-size cake!
- Warm up the oven (I have here a gas oven, no way to know which temperature I am using)
- Cut the bananas in rings
- Mix all the ingredients in a bowl
- Put some butter in the cake set
- It is recommended to use baking paper, but since I cannot find it here, I skip this step
- Put all the mixed ingredients into the cake form and put it in the oven
- Wait for an hour, and check from time to time how it goes
- How do I know if the cake is ready? Insert a stick, if it is dry when you take it out, then the cake is ready
It seemed easy to me. First the cake starting to " grow" too much, then it started dripping into the bottom of the oven. I did not get much concerned until the gas fed into the drippings and a little fire started inside the oven. Augh! So I had to take the cake immediately out, and fix the little issue; luckily there was no need to call the fireman.
So, you can see the result below, not really spectacular! And that is why there will come a second trial soon!