Thursday 27 September 2018

How to prepare a super simple treasure hunt

Happy birthday Anna!

Today is my daughter's birthday, and she could choose whether she wanted something special. This year she wanted again a treasure hunt, not during her party, but early in morning before going to school. That meant a treasure hunt at 6.30am!

Well, that only happens once a year, so I prepared everything the night before. I found some scrap paper, and folded it in two, and glued some white paper on top so that the letters would be easy to read.

super easy treasure hunt

Then, decide on the number of steps in your treasure hunt. Considering ours had to happen at 6.30am, I kept it to three steps. Choose the places where you will hide the cards, presents, or whatever you want to hide. Then draw each place, or question, in a different sheet of paper (I used an A5). You definitely do not need to be an artist, or have any drawing skill for it.

Almost there. Now you staple it in order, the paper with the first step on top of it. Each paper needs a different staple, so when one later is taken off, the other one remains stapled.

Happy treasure hunting!

Tuesday 25 September 2018

Cooking omelettes as mini-pancakes

I hear it often from other parents: "I don't know what to cook anymore! I am running out of ideas!" I have the same feeling, particularly since I have started to cook lunch everyday for my children, (and dinner too!)

Sometimes it helps to just look at your fridge, and see what is left in terms of vegetables. So I found a piece of cabbagge, carrots, and half onion. Which did not look like a promising meal that my children would gladly eat!

Without losing hope, I remembered an Indian recipe of egg balls, and since we recently bought a pan to make the Dutch "poffertjes", I decided to give it a try, and cook them.

So, here it goes the recipe to make vegetables and egg "poffertjes":


  • Two carrots
  • Half an onion
  • A quarter of a cabbage
  • 4 eggs
  • Salt


  • Shred your vegetables, if you have a food processor, use it, otherwise, use a hand-mixer, a grater, or a knife
  • Mix them in a bowl
  • Add the eggs, and mix them (or you could also mix the eggs in a different bowl)

  • Add the mixture into the pan to bake poffertjes
  • Wait a couple of minutes, and remove the omelettes
  • You are pretty done, if you do not have a "poffertjes" pan (most likely unless you are a Dutch person), try a flat omelette and cut the omelette in circles. Keep the omelette edges for the salad

Now, I just filled the bottom of the food container with the salad made of shredded cabbage, carrots and onion, and on the top I placed the mini omelettes.

Egg poffertjes

Enjoy cooking and eating (unless you are making this for your children's lunch)!


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