Friday 23 April 2010

Under the moonlight

This is one of the songs that I really like to sing with Paul : "In de maneschijn".
You can sing it while doing some little dance. In fact, I guess that what I like the most is the little dance around it!

In de maneschijn,............................In the moonlight
in de maneschijn,.............................In the moonlight
Klom ik op een trapje.......................I climb the stairs
naar het the window edge.

En je raadt het niet,.........................And you do not get it,
en je raadt het niet:.........................and you do not get it:

Zo doet een vogel,...............................So does a bird,
en zo doet een vis...............................and so does a fish
Zo doet een duizendpoot,......................and so does a hundredfeet
die schoenenpoetser is...........................that works cleaning shoes

En dat is een,...........................................and this is one
dat is twee,..............................................and this is two
en dat is dikke dikke dikke tante Kee........and this is fatty, fatty aunt Kee

En dat is recht,..............................and this is right
en dat is krom,...............................and this is turn

En zo draaien wij het rondje..................and so we go around
nog eens om..........................................another time
Bom! Bom!

This website is really lovely and you can find a lot of Dutch songs (and the dances around them) meant for children between 0 to 4 years old. And it is good also for learning Dutch!

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